Mombasa/Mtwapa/Bamburi - Girlfriendly Hotels

Kenya Hotel directory for single men

Mombasa / Mtwapa Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee

geprüfte Girlfriendly Mombasa Hotels without Joiner Fee in Kenya

Last Update: March 2025 was created to respond to the needs of single traveler single men looking for fun and xxx holidays in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi, Diana Beach). The main focus of is to publish a list of Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi, Diana Beach) hotels where night attendees can stay overnight at no extra cost. Such hotels are referred to as “Girlfriendly” or “Guestfriendly” in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi, Diana Beach). The so-called “Joiner Fee” is therefore not charged in these Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi, Diana Beach) hotels. In addition, we’ll let you know if Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi, Diana Beach) offers Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee, a safe, pool and gym. All of these hotels in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi, Diana Beach) I have personally asked if they are Girlfriendly and calculate no Joiner Fee. These Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi, Diana Beach) Girlfriendly Hotels without Joiner Fee are bookable at

Mombasa / Mtwapa

Mombasa / Mtwapa / Bamburi are located on the Kenyan coast, in Kenya. The places merge into one and are known not only for beautiful beaches and as a starting point for safaris, but also for black beauties, the single traveler single for about 20 € pampered after line and thread. The nightlife is notoriously infamous – it takes place in Mombasa in the very trendy Casablanca Club and also in the Florida Club. On Bamburi Beach and in Mtwapa it’s off to the right place in Tembo (disco) and Casaurina. The large all inclusive hotels do not allow any local ladies in the hotel, so you have to switch to smaller girlfriends without Joiner Fee.

Boca Chica Dominican Republic

Mombasa/Mtwapa - Girlfriendly Hotels without Joiner Fee

Benutzung der Mombasa/Mtwapa Hotelliste:
✶ You can sort the table to your liking by clicking on the table heading at the top!
✶ In the search box you can search for a specific Girl Friendly Hotel in Mombasa/Mtwapa.
Indiana Hotel
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✶✶✶k. A.Bamburi
40 €Website
Kahama Hotel Mombasa
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
k. A.77 %Bamburi
55 €
Lambada Holiday Resort
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✶✶✶47 %Mtwapa40 €
Kerstin's Apartments
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✓ Girl Friendly Bestätigung
k. A.Mtwapa12 €Website
Luck Apartments
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✓ Girl Friendly Bestätigung
-k. A.Mtwapa30 €Website
Hotel Kumbe
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✓ Girl Friendly Bestätigung
✶✶k. A.Mtwapa17 €
Hibiscus Lodge
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✓ Girl Friendly Bestätigung
k. A.Mtwapa9 €Website
Prestige Holiday Resort
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✓ Girl Friendly Bestätigung
✶✶✶✶80 %Mtwapa23 €
Topville Hotel
Hotel ist Girl Friendly. Keine Joiner Fee
✓ Girl Friendly Bestätigung
✶✶70 %Mtwapa14 €

Information about Girlfriendly Hotels without Joiner Fee in Mombasa

We inform about Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi und Diana Beach)!

Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi und Diana Beach). Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee in Mombasa. Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee am Beach Diana Beach. Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee in Bamburi Beach. Girl Friendly Hotels without Joiner Fee in Mtwapa

Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi und Diana Beach) Hotel Informationen über: Joiner Fee, Girl Friendly, Girlfriendly, Joiner Policy, Joiner Charge, Guestfriendy.

Girlfriendly hotels are those Kenya properties (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi and Diana Beach) that charge no extra charge for a woman in the room. This fee is also known as Joiner Fee. Sometimes the less common terms Lady Fee or Joiner Charge are used in connection with Girlfriendly hotels in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi and Diana Beach) without Joiner Fee. In Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi and Diana Beach), there are not only Girlfriendly hotels that demand no Joiner fee. Many guesthouses are also guestfriendly, d. H. GirlFriendly and ask no Joiner fee. Many guest houses in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi and Diana Beach) are also Girlfriendly. A good alternative is to rent an apartment in Kenya (Mombasa, Mtwapa, Bamburi and Diana Beach). Again, you pay a joiner fee in the rarest cases.


Header: Von Michal VogtFlickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,